EUPHORYAA is the beautiful collision of three strangers on an island in the Aegean Sea. It is a story of love, life, and the magic of the Mediterranean sun, which illuminates everything in the same translucent way, while making it appear eternally and painfully elusive at the same time.
This strange effect is hard to capture, but filmmaker and photographer Christian C. Klinger, known for his essay films about famous and emerging photographers, is well prepared for his first full-length fiction film.
A courageous, contemporary story about love, relationships and vaccines. EUPHORYAA is a well-paced story that follows the lives of four people. Rose, Milda and Dion meet by accident on an island.
Dion is an extroverted young French photographer, who is trying to beat the system and break free from a society of duties and obligations. Rose is in her 30s; she has escaped from her husband Jordan and is trying to find herself on the island.
Milda is a sensitive young Russian woman who has a longing to experience life. In addition, she gets vaccinated and the film follows the effects of this vaccine. The film also touches on the main questions about men and women and the notion of relationships.
Is there a way for men and women to live in harmony? Is there a new model for relationships? And what makes a man a man and a woman a woman?
Seperti biasa, salah satu film sensasional dari Prancis, negara yang terkenal akan kebebasan dalam hal seksual. Film Euphoryaa dalah sebuah film dewasa dengan latar setting pantai yang sangat cantik.
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