Seorang gadis berusia 16 tahun bernama Bimba yang adalah seorang anak dari keluarga yang kaya raya, ia mulai menampakan gejala kerasukan setan yang mengerikan.
Bimba, a teenage temptress, plunges her entire family—including her widowed father, wanton aunt, invalid uncle and even a beloved nun—into the depths of sexual depravity. Is she possessed by demonic lust or just going through a really freaky puberty?
After the death of Andrea’s wife, Daniela who was the matriarch of once rich and influential aristocratic Caroli family, her nearly bankrupt family decides to hold a seance in their decrepit castle and contact her spirit.
Unfortunately, they contact instead the malicious and possibly demonic spirit of their evil, hedonistic and decadent late cousin Lucrezia that, after assaulting and messing a bit with those present at the summoning, ends up possessing Andrea’s and dead woman’s virginal teenage daughter Bimba.
Bimba suddenly becomes overtly sexual and starts acting out in a completely unhinged, aggressive and sexually provocative manner in front of her family and their guests, all while brutally insulting them.
She tries to satisfy her confusing demonic urges with masturbation but quickly moves on to seducing those around her, starting with her deathly ill uncle Adolfo, who’s unable to stop her from performing fellatio on him which leads to his death during the incestuous act.
Meanwhile, his buxom young wife and Bimba’s aunt Nais looks for sexual satisfaction in Giorgio, who hangs around the castle. However, unsatisfied with his s&m play, she seduces her brother-in-law Andrea instead.
When Bimba discovers this, she tries to seduce her father herself but he rejects her in disgust and calls a psychiatrist who concludes that she is just acting out her grief over her mother’s death.
Adolfo’s nurse, a beautiful nun Sofia becomes the next target of Bimba’s lust. Can Sofia save Bimba from the evil spirit or will Bimba’s lust consume Sofia as well?
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